Meet My Friend, Sarah

Meet My Friend, Sarah

Posted on Sep. 13, 2024
Sarah, LBFE Boston’s CitySites Program Manager

Hi everyone! My name is Sarah Murphy, I am one of the CitySites Program Managers with LBFE Boston. I am from Carver, a small town on the South Shore! I recently completed my master’s degree in social work, graduating from Bridgewater State University. During my academic experience, my interests led me in various directions focusing on civic engagement, direct service, and advocacy.

Some of my favorite things to do in my spare time include reading a book, being anywhere in nature, and spending time with my little sister. I also love to travel! During my graduate program, I had the amazing opportunity to take travel courses in Portugal, the Republic of Ireland, and Northern Ireland. These unforgettable experiences greatly contributed to my passion for learning and exploring new cultures and history, and also created an environment where I was able to meet new people around the world!

Upon learning about LBFE, I knew that it was my goal to begin working here! LBFE’s mission and values align so perfectly with my own professional and personal values and beliefs. I am hopeful to continue growing personally and professionally in this role, learning the needs of the community, how to serve as a better peer and advocate, and becoming more aware of my values.

I am very enthusiastic and outgoing, and love to try new things! At LBFE, I am excited to meet new people and have the opportunity to learn about their lives and backgrounds. As someone passionate about creating a sense of community and belonging within groups, I am excited to be a part of the LBFE team and to also spend time in the community getting to know others!  At LBFE, I think I am most excited thinking of creating new friendships/relationships, trying new activities/hobbies, and constantly learning from others.