Our Community

What We Do Our Community

LBFE Boston helps prevent social isolation by offering free, intergenerational, digital equity, and arts programs to older adults in public/affordable senior housing and community centers.

Voices From Our Community

Older adult & college student program participants, LBFE volunteers, staff, and board members....in their own words.

Donovan, Digital Dividends Older Program Participant
Donovan, Digital Dividends Older Program Participant
“Learn from others….respect one another, help one another. Think about your neighbors…see what’s happening around you and help the situation….It might not be much, but whatever little bit you can do.”
Charles, CitySites Program Participant
Charles, CitySites Program Participant
In sharing about the great community and joy CitySites has brought him, Charles said, “If you guys are here, I’m here. Programs allow me to discover new hobbies and activities and play games with folks who wouldn’t want to otherwise.”
Lana, Digital Dividends Program Participant
Lana, Digital Dividends Program Participant
“I HAVE to learn what to do with my phone and computers so I can keep up with my grandkids. I’m GOING to learn so I can send THEM videos, so I can FaceTime THEM. I’m like a little kid. I LOVE it and I’ll never stop learning! Thank you!”
Sophia, Boston College PULSE Program Student Team Leader & CitySites Participant
Sophia, Boston College PULSE Program Student Team Leader & CitySites Participant
“I am driven by the sociology class I took last semester that taught me about the social isolation and loneliness that older adults face. I want to be there for other older adults in my new community who do not have the same support network my grandparents have.”
Kristen, President, LBFE Boston Board of Directors
Kristen, President, LBFE Boston Board of Directors
“LBFE is a beacon of hope, bringing joy and mutually beneficial companionship to generations, illuminating the path out of isolation. I am immensely proud of the impact we have made for older Bostonians. Through our intergenerational programs, we have created a supportive environment where older and younger adults can connect, feel valued & heard.”
Mei, Northeastern University Service-Learning Student & CitySites Program Participant
Mei, Northeastern University Service-Learning Student & CitySites Program Participant
‘My favorite memory from LBFE was learning how to play Cribbage with one of the program’s beneficiaries. I looked forward to starting a new game (even though I only won once the entire time)! Working with LBFE taught me the importance of building community for older adults.’
Lauren, Northeastern University Service-Learning Student & CitySites Program Participant
Lauren, Northeastern University Service-Learning Student & CitySites Program Participant
“I try to put lots of love into the work I do. I’m grateful that I got to meet so many good & kind people because I’m never gonna forget my time at LBFE. I’ve made memories that’ll last a lifetime. And each moment was joyful and I’m grateful for each moment that I had.”
Nick, Northeastern University Service-Learning Student & Digital Dividends Program Participant
Nick, Northeastern University Service-Learning Student & Digital Dividends Program Participant
"It's been nice because we work with the same person every week. It allows us to create a rapport, so when I go we get to have a nice little conversation before we start and we pick up right where we left off. It allows us to do a nice flow of learning for [Miss Annie]." 
Ellie, Northeastern University Alliance of Civically Engaged Students (ACES) Student & CitySites Program Participant
Ellie, Northeastern University Alliance of Civically Engaged Students (ACES) Student & CitySites Program Participant
“At college, I’m mostly around people my age….so it’s nice to be able to talk to people who have a different perspective on life and have lived through more.”
Junxin, Digital Dividends Older Program Participant
Junxin, Digital Dividends Older Program Participant
(Translated from a Mandarin-speaking older adult re: learning Google Translate on the Chromebook) “I can more precisely read and understand the English documents, mails, food labels, medicine drug labels. It increased my English level.”  
Gwen, CitySites Older Program Participant
Gwen, CitySites Older Program Participant
“It gives me an opportunity to learn about Zoom. This way I can sit in my own home and still learn and it keeps me connected to my church. Many of my ministries are still on Zoom so this really was a lifesaver for me and I’m thankful for your patience with seniors and everything.”
Hana, Northeastern University, Service-Learning Student & CitySites Program Participant
Hana, Northeastern University, Service-Learning Student & CitySites Program Participant
"Throughout my time working at LBFE, I was able to meet a lot of great people while also improving my interpersonal Chinese skills. When first starting out, I was nervous to meet all of the elderly and communicate with them, but I ended up looking forward to and loving my one-hour meetings with them."
Armand Marquiset, LBFE Founder
Armand Marquiset, LBFE Founder
“Living is more than a roof over our heads and food on the table. In addition to offering material and physical support, we believe that living requires the presence of people who care about us and about whom we care. Living requires the little touches that bring joy, like flowers, music and shared laughter.”
Cynthia, LBFE Boston Program Director
Cynthia, LBFE Boston Program Director
“Older adults are often excluded from conversations about digital inclusion. They shouldn’t be—in a digital world, everyone needs access. Digital Dividends ensures that low-income and linguistically isolated older adults have access to the digital world and all that entails: telehealth, banking, shopping, communication, entertainment.”
Albertha, CitySites Older Program Participant
Albertha, CitySites Older Program Participant
“Sometimes you walk into a room, and you know it’s a good place with good people. People who smile and listen. That’s exactly how I felt the day I walked in.”
Veronica, CitySites Older Program Participant
Veronica, CitySites Older Program Participant
“I’ve been waiting for you all since last week! I would never forget you’re coming because it’s something fun and something to look forward to.”
Dana, Digital Dividends Older Program Participant
Dana, Digital Dividends Older Program Participant
“I like to go to class and sit and listen.  If I learn one thing, that’s great.  Getting myself up, dressed, and out of my apartment into the community room is good for me. I am logging more hours on the Internet: how to cook chicken thighs, military history..I find YouTube endlessly interesting!”

Meet My Friend - Profiles of LBFE Boston Community Members

Meet My Friend, Camilo
Meet My Friend, Camilo
Camilo, Digital Dividends Program Participant (with Laiying, LBFE Boston Program Coordinator and Northeastern University Co-Op Student) Camilo participates in our Digital Dividends program at East Boston Senior Center. Born and raised in Medellin, Colombia, Camilo, 63 years old, lives in the city of Revere. Camilo has been living in the USA for 38 years. When […]
Meet My Friend, Sarah
Meet My Friend, Sarah
Sarah, LBFE Boston’s CitySites Program Manager Hi everyone! My name is Sarah Murphy, I am one of the CitySites Program Managers with LBFE Boston. I am from Carver, a small town on the South Shore! I recently completed my master’s degree in social work, graduating from Bridgewater State University. During my academic experience, my interests […]
Meet My Friend, Maggie
Meet My Friend, Maggie
Maggie (left), CitySites Program Participant, with Laurel Margaret O’Connor (Maggie) was born and raised in Boston as the eldest of seven children. Growing up in a large family, she naturally took on a caring role, caring for her younger siblings. After graduating high school, Maggie worked at Woolworths and pursued her education at Boston University […]
Meet My Friend, Meredith
Meet My Friend, Meredith
Meredith, LBFE Boston Co-Op & Gen2GenQ Participant Meet Meredith, one of the Northeastern students wrapping up her six-month co-op at LBFE Boston next week! In her own words, “Gen2GenQ was one of the reasons I chose LBFE for my co-op this semester. I loved the idea of connecting with older queer people, hearing about their […]
Meet My Friend, Donovan
Meet My Friend, Donovan
Donovan, Digital Dividends Program Participant Born in  Jamaica, Donovan grew up with his grandparents and came to the United States in 1965 at 16 years old.  Donovan’s dad had been living in England, then moved to America and brought Donovan and his brother along.  They landed in New York…and came right to Boston that very […]
Meet My Friend, Charles
Meet My Friend, Charles
Charles, CitySites Program Participant I first met Charles this past summer when I started working at LBFE’s CitySites program. As this was my first co-op, I was incredibly excited (and nervous). However, once I arrived at my first week of programming, Charles immediately welcomed me and the other co-ops with a calm and open presence. […]
Meet My Friend, Mark
Meet My Friend, Mark
Mark Chudnovsky, Boston College PULSE Program Student Team Leader Hello! My name is Mark Chudnovsky and I’m a second-year student studying Neuroscience at Boston College. I’ve lived in the Boston area for a little over 10 years, and when I was younger I also spent some time in New York and Illinois. If I’m not […]
Meet My Friend, Ted
Meet My Friend, Ted
Ted Ma, Boston College PULSE Program Student Team Leader Hey there! I’m Ted Ma, a proud Eagle from Boston College, currently diving deep into the riveting world of Finance and Business Analytics at the Carroll School of Management. First off, my academic haven, Boston College, has played a pivotal role in shaping my professional trajectory. […]
Meet My Friend, Christian
Meet My Friend, Christian
Christian Heng, Boston College PULSE Program Student Team Leader I am a 22-year-old Sophomore part of Boston College’s PULSE Program which aims to educate its students about social injustice and equip them with the skills to address these issues in real-world organizations. Although I am a Computer Science Major, in addition to everything related to […]
Meet My Friend, Ella
Meet My Friend, Ella
Ella Neary, Boston College PULSE Program Student Team Leader Hi! My name is Ella Neary and I’m a sophomore at Boston College studying mathematics and psychology. I’m active in student run theater, college democrats, and I Am That Feminist. I’m from Western Springs, Illinois, which is just outside of Chicago. I am a Pulse student […]
Meet My Friend, Sophia
Meet My Friend, Sophia
Sophia Lovejoy, Boston College PULSE Program Student Team Leader Hello, my name is Sophie Lovejoy, I am from Seattle, WA, and am a sophomore at Boston College studying Philosophy and Communications with a possible minor in German! While I genuinely love my course material, when I am not studying, I enjoy long walks with my […]
Meet My Friend, Mary
Meet My Friend, Mary
Mary, Digital Dividends Program Participant I first started working with Mary a couple of sessions into our programming at Commonwealth Elderly in Brighton. The first conversation I had with her was about some beautiful poetry she had written about Cape Cod and the experience of aging and looking back at life. Although I hadn’t ever […]
Meet My Friend, Dana
Meet My Friend, Dana
Dana, Digital Dividends Program Participant I wasn’t sure what to expect when Dana and I had our first phone call back in late March. Teresa, our Digital Dividends Program Manager, had shared a little with me… about Dana’s dry sense of humor, bits of stories from a full life, and that he’d recently been having […]
Meet My Friend, Ellice
Meet My Friend, Ellice
Ellice Patterson, Creative Connections Instructor Meet our friend and one of LBFE Boston’s Creative Connections instructor, Ellice…a disabled teacher, dancer, director, activist, and founder of Abilities Dance Boston whose mission is to disrupt antiquated ableist beliefs and disseminate the value of inclusion through dance.  Originally from Mississippi, Ellice has been in Boston for the past […]
Meet My Friend, Aaron
Meet My Friend, Aaron
Meet Aaron, one of LBFE Boston’s Creative Connections Instructors. Aaron facilitates music & movement for bilingual older adults at Franklin Field in Dorchester.
Meet My Friend, Tran
Meet My Friend, Tran
Ngoc-Tran Vu (Tran), Creative Connections Instructor Artist, Educator, Consultant & Strategist Meet Ngoc-Tran Vu (Tran), LBFE Boston’s newest Creative Connections instructor.  She was born in Vietnam, but grew up in Boston, settling with her family in the working-class neighborhoods of South Boston and Dorchester.  Art always came naturally to Tran, and she says that art […]
Meet My Friend, Mimi
Meet My Friend, Mimi
Myrlene (Mimi) Legendre Desir, Creative Connections Instructor Artist & Entrepreneur Born in 1962  in Haiti, Mimi grew up in what she describes as a solid background in art, culture, and natural landscapes.  And while Mimi loved art from a very young age, it wasn’t encouraged as a career pursuit because you couldn’t make a living […]
Meet My Friend, Jack
Meet My Friend, Jack
Jack Kloster, Boston College PULSE Program Student Team Leader Hi! My name’s Jack Kloster, and I’m originally from Kansas City, Kansas. I am a third-year student attending Boston College, studying Biology and Philosophy on the pre-medical track. Some activities I’m involved with on campus include Club Baseball, an undergraduate research fellowship studying cellular agriculture, and […]
Meet My Friend, Andrew
Meet My Friend, Andrew
Andrew Kolebuck, Boston College PULSE Program Student Team Leader Hello fellow volunteers, community members, board members, and other LBFE staff. I am Andrew Kolebuck, a current sophomore at Boston College studying Finance with a minor in Managing for Social Impact and the Public Good. I am originally from Leesburg, Virginia, about an hour or so […]
Meet My Friend, Alix
Meet My Friend, Alix
Alix Han, Boston College PULSE Program Student Team Leader Hello! My name is Alix and I’m a current sophomore at Boston College studying Biochemistry with hopes to enter the medical field. In addition to school, I also enjoy cooking, rock climbing, and drawing! The PULSE program at Boston College: which is a combination of theology, […]
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