Meet My Friend, Meredith

Meet My Friend, Meredith

Posted on Jun. 14, 2024

Meredith, LBFE Boston Co-Op & Gen2GenQ Participant

Meet Meredith, one of the Northeastern students wrapping up her six-month co-op at LBFE Boston next week! In her own words, “Gen2GenQ was one of the reasons I chose LBFE for my co-op this semester. I loved the idea of connecting with older queer people, hearing about their lives and their experiences in the movement. Attending the monthly dinners at Mt. Pleasant home has been the highlight of my LBFE experience so far.

The older adults there are some of the coolest people I’ve ever met; we have had incredible discussions about what it has meant to be queer in America over many decades. The resilience and ability of people to create community under oppressive circumstances amazes me more and more with each conversation I have at these events. Attending Gen2GenQ programming has been incredibly rewarding: it has impacted me and my understanding of my identity in the most positive way. I am so excited to be a part of getting the program on its feet this semester and I can’t wait to see how it expands in the future!”